Prehistoric Harmony
A radio program about musics, acoustics, ecology and cosmology.
hosted by HALAS.AM (Holon Art Lab Audio Service)
Episode 1: 8Hertz Under
on ground and other low things
-Intro tune: All The Tuning Forks I Have So Far/ Maayan Tsadka
-7.8Hz generated sine wave
-20hz +28Hz generated sine wave
-91+99hz generated sine wave
-How We Hear from The science of sound, 1958 smithsonian folkways records
-Seismic sounds: Earthquake; Inferred Harmonic Tremor; Submarine Volcanic Eruption (Whistle) recorded PMEL at NOAA
-Redoubt volcano harmonic tremor (NPR recording)
-Redoubt volcano harmonic tremor- slowed down by 68%
-Beast by James Tenney from Postal Pieces, New World Records
-from Catalog of Earthquake-Related Sounds Compiled by Karl V. Steinbrugge:
earthquake sounds 18-15_October_1979_El_Centro-CA-1
- the 'hum' created by Terrence Averkamp based on measurement by Junkee Rhie and Barbara Romanowicz
-SONO-CHOREOGRAPHIC COLLECTIVE (Kerstin Ergenzinger, Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari and Kiran Kumar): Broken Cymbal Song; Epoxy18
-from Catalog of Earthquake-Related Sounds Compiled by Karl V. Steinbrugge:
-The sound of Earth's magnetic field by BepiColombo
-Earth’s Magnetic Field by Charles Dodge, Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center 1961-1973
-from Catalog of Earthquake-Related Sounds Compiled by Karl V. Steinbrugge:
earthquake sounds 16-06_May_1976_Friuli-Italy
-Recordings from the Dead Sea(by Maayan Tsadka) interview: Michael Lazar Beverly Goodman Chernov; Sinkhole pools hydrophone recording; Tuning forks (54, 62hz inside a salt rock and a spur-winged lapwing bird)
-Lonesome road sang by Tim Storms (youtube video conversion)
-Sounds of Forest Elephants; Greeting Rumbles; Forest Elephant Vocal Greeting.
Recordings by The Elephant Listening Project
-The Songs Of Two Sand Dunes, recorded by Simon Dagois-Bohy
-Blue Veils and Golden Sands by Delia Derbishier
-Steppe Kargiraa by Fedor Tau; Kargiraa “Artii-Sayir” by Vasili Chazir. From Tuva: Voices From The Center of Asia
-Ngbanda playing the ngbindi earth bow (Central African Republic) recorded by Louis Sarno. The Louis Sarno collection is curated by the Pitt Rivers Museum
Episode 2: True Bugs
a collection of buzzing-rubbing-rattling-chirping sounds. From field recordings to folk songs, ethnographic records to acoustic and electronic compositions.
Australian termites, Woodboring beetle larva chewing in black spruce trunk, Ligeti, David Dunn’s recordings of bark beetles, the 17-year periodical cicada (Magicicada septendecim), pre-columbian whistles, Bartok, early electronic piece by Ann Mcmillam and a sago beetle mouth harp from 1960s Papua New Guinea.
Cyphoderris Monstrosa (Orthoptera: prophalangopsidae), male singing on lodgepole pine tree trunk. Recorded by John Acorn. Slowed down by 80%
La Cucaracha. Popurrí revolucionario
5 short bugs recordings made by Richard Mankin. From the site “bug bytes”
a. Cotesia marginiventris (Braconid parasitoid callinging song)
b. Bactrocera tyroni (Queensland fruit fly calling song)
c. Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito)
d. Solenopsis invicta (Fire ant stridulation)
e. Drepanotermes (Australian termites, headbanging)
Didjeridu puller with rhythm sticks. From the album Tribal Music of Australia. 1949 folkways records.
Nyindi-Yindi Corroboree Group of Wadjiginy. From the album Tribal Music of Australia. 1949 folkways records.
John Acorn, an entomologist at the University of Alberta. These recordings accompany an article by Dr. Acorn called "Insects and the Soundscape," which appears in the Winter 2015 issue of American Entomologist. The recordings:
Wood-boring beetle larva chewing in black spruce trunk
Various orthopterans singing in dry inter-dune grasses and shrubs
Cyphoderris monstrosa (Orthoptera: prophalangopsidae), male singing on lodgepole pine tree trunk
Circotettix Carlinianus (Orthoptera: Acrididae), male crepitating in flight, over badlands
Calliphorid flies on lamb’s quarter
Béla Bartók. Mikrokosmos - No. 142, From the Diary of a Fly . Piano: Kiyotsugu Arai
Double Flute, 2 x 2 Orifices (Colima) by Johre Daher. From the album Pre-Columbian Instruments of Mexico. 1972 smithsonian records
Periodical Cicadas Overrun the Forest | Planet Earth | BBC Earth (youtube conversion)
Same recording as 9, slowed down by 80%
Cicada in Malaysian rainforest. recorded in 1981-87 by Marina Roseman. From the album Dream Songs and Healing Sounds in the Rainforests of Malaysia, Smithsonian records 1995
György Ligeti. Continuum. Harpsichord – Antoinette Vischer
Dong Song - Song of Cicadas. The Dong ethnic group at Chinese New Year Eve's CCTV Gala in 1994. YouTube conversion.
The Dimen Dong Folk Chorus Performs the Cicada Song. youtube conversion. Catalog No. CFV10568; Copyright 2013 Smithsonian Institution.
Josquin des Prez. El Grillo (The Cricket). Performed by Prophets of the perfect fifth.
Ann Mcmillan. Amber ‘75. from the album Gateway Summer Sound:Abstracted Animal and Other Sounds. folkways records, 1979
David Dunn. excerpt from the album the sound of light in trees. Earth Ear – ee0513, 2006.
A sago beetle mouth harp from 1960s Papua New Guinea. Recorded by robert Mcmillan. Wam tribesman, Sepik area, New Guinea. From BBC LP REC 68M, 1970 "John Peel's Archive Things"
Call of the cicada (Utom kuleng helef) by Lendungen Simfal, Ihan Sibanay. From the album Utom: Summoning the Spirit. (music of the T’boli, a group of approximately 80,000 people living in small, scattered villages in the mountains and valleys of Southwestern Mindanao, Philippines). Mickey Hart Collection 1997.
Episode 3: Angels, Insects and the Emergence of Mind
an interview with David Dunn
“The rational mind tends to always favor the most immediate solution. And immediate solutions for our world are not necessarily the best ones because they tend to ignore the deeper complexity, all of the circuits of connection that we would call an ecology. So we need both. We need the rational mind to try to produce ways in which we could be somewhat be assured of the accuracy of our storytelling, but we also need the other modes of storytelling to remind us of all the things that are left out of that picture…”
An interview that starts with bugs and ends with psychedelics, the role of art, altered consciousness and our evolution as a species. Along the way David also talks about the non-human mind, listening and field recording, story telling, chaotic systems and nonlinear circuits, bark beetles and collective consciousness.
00:40 // Atchafalaya Swamp, Louisiana: insects & frogs (track no 9). From “Why do Whales and Children Sing?” David Dunn. Earth Ear, 1999.
02:12 // Underwater sound production, insects sound communication.
06:02 // Listening and recording: early memories. Interactions with the environment through sound. Mind, nature and technology. Intelligent behaviors: The machine and the environment as non-human forms of intelligence.
14:15 // Perception of time, spacious and temporal metaphors, music as a mode of communication.
18:32 // Ennoia 2, electroacoustic composition for 2-channel playback, David Dunn, 1999
28:43 // “Wherever you go, the environment is more aware of you than you are of it”: the act of listening, recording, re-listening and human awareness.
32:50 // “We tell each other stories…this is what we do”: Science stories, sound stories, bug stories. The rational mind, insects social-structures, collective mind, pattern of emergence. The emergent mind of a pond.
“That idea of mind as something that isn’t necessarily inside a human skull but occurs over and over again throughout the natural world in diverse forms and ways of structuring that are really foreign to us and yet clearly are very very sophisticated”.
42:49 // Five Micro-Worlds. David Dunn (excerpt)
48:44 // Human/virtual networks, Aboriginal culture, sophisticated knowledge and primitive tools as a manifestation of environmental awareness.
52:03 // Networks and nested forms of mind. The relationship between art and science. Observation and communication.
59:33 // The Sound of Light in Trees (excerpt). David Dunn. Earth Ear, 2006.
1:03:05 // Bark beetles, bioacoustics, insects sound production and sound sensing mechanisms.
1:23:56 // Chaotic systems, nonlinear circuits, and a recording expedition to the Atchafalaya swamps of Louisiana. “The sounds would like move, and they’d circle around, and then they start to spin, and then reverse direction…and just the realization…there’s something loud and so deep, and so rich and so complex…and it just made me think how would you ever record something like that, how would you ever characterize, you can’t…and the other thing was how do i get to that kind of manifestation, is it possible to do that through technology?”
1:30:10 // Thresholds and Fragile States (short example1), David Dunn. 2010
1:36:43 // The non-human mind: “This idea of an emergent mind that has its moment that arises out of the collectivity and complexity of nature… I'm interested in the idea of constructing a generative system that can behave in a way that I could never predict and that has its own autonomy. And I think of that in terms of some kind of structure of mind”.
1:38:47 // Metaphors and the role of art, the evolution of mind: “based upon science, based upon mythology, based upon indiginous belief systems…i’m interested in all of those things, how they can talk to each other and inform us about something that we otherwise don’t really understand but we are always telling ourselves we do…it’s a heuristic pursue of this kind of things…try to…if not to understand than at least to experience them”.
“...what we also need to be doing is pursuing those things which alter the mind, alter perception, alter consciousness to a greater awareness and a greater perhaps purpose…we need to grow up as a species, we can do better, we can be something more”
May 6 2021, via transatlantic connection between New Mexico and Haifa.
Episode 4: Trance and Ritual Music
Re-broadcast of two programs created in the 70s by Annea Lockwood+recent interview
Between 1969-1970 Annea Lockwood edited 11 (or so? Number is unknown) radio programs for the BBC radio 3. The programs were produced by Madeau Stewart, and broadcasted as intermission programs during live concert intermissions. We are bringing here two of the programs in their full length, as broadcasted, with the original introductions by Lockwood. Following the two programs is a short interview recorded on Feb 25 2022, reflecting on those issues some 50+ years later.
With gratitude to Charles Amirkhanian at KPFA in Berkeley who digitized those programs and made them available.
O1:20 program 3
19:35 program 5
38:00 interview with Annea Lockwood
---notes from Annea Lockwood:
The original broadcast date for this program: BBC Radio 3 is March 15, 1970
Trance and Ritual Music by Annea Lockwood, Program 3
Intro: “This is witchcraft music. The music of spirit healings, exorcisms, secret mystic societies and of senses. The invocation of gods, health and life. People form rituals, their music, and its momentum within themselves. Form their gods in their minds; use their music to carry them from one self through to another, more buried self. In the end, it is ourselves who we invoke.”
Warning for impending ceremony of flying witches, New Guinea -- Malayan black magic healing ceremony -- Shaman exorcism Korea -- Himalayan tribesmen blowing silver horns, India – A Spirit seance in British Guiana -- Malayan magic religious ceremony -- Rites of the Nightwatchers of Porto Novo, French West Africa, with sounds of glass from ‘The Glass World of Anna Lockwood’.
The original broadcast date for this program: BBC Radio 3 is April 23, 1970
Trance and Ritual Music by Annea Lockwood, Program 5
Intro: “In the end, there are no listeners. At a concert, you are either in the hall, aware of people and extraneous noises, or within the space created by the music. In these rituals and ceremonies, all are blended with each other; their hearts with the drumming and all its subtleties; the rhythm of the brain with the pulsing of a single note, somewhere. The people are the action, are the sound, and invocation.”
Indian lullaby, Columbia -- Sacred flute music, New Guinea -- Dance of the Dusun tribe, North Borneo -- Bell from Buddhist monastery, Burma -- Indian Jal Tarang solo -- Fish dance, Philippines -- Morning call to prayer, Malaya -- Nagaswaram solo, India with sounds of glass from ‘The Glass World of Anna Lockwood’.